Emerald Gallery is part of the ongoing development of our 110-acre property in the Hudson Valley. It comprises existing and proposed exhibition and performance spaces. Our first performance took place on October 19, 1999, in the new main residential and gallery/ performance building, shortly before Covid 19 imposed drastic restrictions on public gatherings. We are developing a flexible system of bi-fold light weight torsion boxes that hang from tracks installed in the clad built-up beams that divide the space into 15 modules or “zones” and allow us to exhibit paintings, drawings, and graphic work, and close residential areas when necessary. The beams resist lateral loads.
Design of a new building in a meadow that overlooks the existing new building is underway. The design was inspired by wood barn construction and the steep grade of the meadow. The steep slope affords an opportunity to incorporate outdoor seating for viewers of performances on a new stage.
A.) Proposed new gallery/exhibition space
B.) Existing new gallery/ exhibition space
C.) Existing barn
D.) Existing House